
Life Support - Advancing the Global Agenda for Financing and Action on Road Safety

14 February 2025
Rights of the Child

In far too many countries road traffic injuries and fatalities are increasing. We need to accelerate progress in delivering road safety around the world and for this, financing is critical. Yet too often, even when financing is available for roads and transportation, effective road safety is not the outcome. ‘Life Support’ presents the priority actions needed in order to strengthen financing and deliver results through to 2030.

Manifesto 2030: Progress Report

14 February 2025
Rights of the Child

The report outlines the advancement that has been made by Child Health Initiative partners since the 3rd Global Ministerial Conference on Road Safety in Stockholm in 2020. It highlights the major achievements in programmatic and advocacy work, our evolving strategic focus, and our way forward towards the second half of the Decade of Action for road safety.

School streets: putting children and the planet first

30 April 2022
Rights of the ChildFIA Foundation

A political economy analysis of the rise of school streets in Europe and around the world.

Manifesto 2030 Advocacy Hub

8 November 2021
Streets for LifeThis is My Street

Launched to coincide with the UN Streets for Life campaign, the FIA Foundation’s new Advocacy Hub, based within the Child Health Initiative, will focus on supporting global, national and city campaigns for 30km/h streets where children and youth live, walk and cycle.

Guidance for Safe and Healthy Journeys to School

8 September 2020
UNICEFFIA Foundation

As schools reopen, everyone should play a role in keeping students safe and healthy every step of the way. Therefore, UNICEF, with support from the Child Health Initiative and partners, such as Save the Children, is issuing guidance to help manage the risks posed by COVID-19, to help ensure the safest, healthiest journeys to school possible.

These are our streets: Manifesto 2030

16 February 2020
This is My Street

The Manifesto calls for a transformation of urban streets by 2030 into safe, low speed and accessible space that puts people first, encouraging zero carbon walking and cycling, by deploying the ‘Speed Vaccine’: safe footpaths and crossings; protected cycleways; and maximum 30 km/h speed limits anywhere children and traffic mix.

Activity & Progress Report 2016-2019

17 July 2019
FIA FoundationRights of the Child

This report charts progress made in the three years since the launch of the Child Health Initiative. The coalition, set up by the FIA Foundation to campaign for the mobility rights of children and adolescents, has influenced global policy; supported new tools and ideas for protecting children on their journey to and from school; and advocated for the funding neglect of young people to be addressed.

Adolescent Health: The Missing Population in Universal Health Coverage

17 May 2019

The SDGs and global political momentum behind Universal Health Coverage (UHC) offer significant opportunities to build collective global and national action towards achieving universal health coverage for adolescents. This paper sets out the evidence base on adolescent health and makes the case that to achieve Universal Health Coverage, policy makers need to take urgent action on the leading killers of young people, including road traffic injury.

Un Grand Pas En Avant

13 November 2018
AmendFIA FoundationRights of the Child

Un Grand Pas En Avant: Un programme d’action pour la sécurité piétonnière des enfants d’Afrique is a joint report by the FIA Foundation, Humanité et Inclusion and the injury prevention NGO Amend for the Child Health Initiative.

Unfinished Journey

21 May 2018
FIA FoundationRights of the Child

Unfinished Journey: The Global Health Response to Children & Road Traffic highlights the gap between evidence on the scale of road traffic’s impact on child and adolescent health and the action.