Our work
The Child Health Initiative combines research, advocacy and evidence-based interventions to promote the child rights agenda.

Making an Impact
Rights of the child
With a focus on policies for safer and sustainable transportation, clean fuels and vehicles, and equitable urban development, we advocate and support practical activities to deliver these Rights of the Child
Every child has the right to use safe roads
A child dies every three minutes on our global roads. Children and adolescents in LMICs face up to three times higher rates of road traffic deaths compared to those in high-income countries.
Every child has the right to breathe clean air
300 million children are breathing toxic air, impacting their health and future chances in life.
Every child has the right to an education
Two million miss out on education due to road traffic crashes.
Every child has the right to explore and play in safety
Cities should be built for children to have the freedom to safely play, explore and thrive #streetsforlife
Every child has the right to protection from violence
The safe system approach must be implemented to reduce urban speed limits and protect children from traffic violence.
Every child has the right to be heard
The engagement of children and young people is critical in developing local, context-specific solutions.
Our coalition partners are working together to implement and advocate for safe and sustainable mobility for children and young people through projects and initiatives such as below.

School Area Road Safety Assessments and Improvements (SARSAI)

Share the Road

Safe Schools Africa

Safe School Zones


Vision Zero for Youth

Safe Active Mobility

Pan African Action Plan for Active Mobility (PAAPAM)

Safe Journeys to School

Designing Streets for Kids

Convening Child Safety Experts in Lat-Am

Promoting Child Rights

Streets for Life
Safe mobility and clean air go hand in hand. It is essential that we integrate road safety into an all-encompassing framework and broader approach that promotes sustainable mobility addressing climate change and inequality.
Children have the right to a liveable environment that protects their health and well-being through clean air and safe mobility, promoting safe exploration and play.