In-country projects

Applying and adapting tools, approach, and methodologies to the local context.


Worldwide, a network of organisations are working to implement safe and healthy journeys to and from school. These are organisations at all levels – from small local NGOs to international agencies. The work is also spread across countries at all levels of income – proof that solutions exist for any context.

Low- and middle-income countries have had success in protecting children from the dangers of road traffic and providing them with safe and healthy school journeys. Putting interventions in place in lower income communities can pose challenges, but the partner work highlighted here shows that it is possible to achieve impact. A common feature is that the programmes implemented around the world also have significant benefits for the whole community, reducing injuries and improving air quality. Furthermore, taken together all of this work is contributing to regional and global impact, crucial for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.

Read the examples from different countries to see what is possible and be inspired.

Programme work
Other coalitions
Toolkits being applied

Life Support: Advancing the Global Agenda for Financing & Action on Road Safety

In order to accelerate progress in addressing road traffic injury, financing is critical. Governments and city authorities need catalytic support to make further progress. This is an introduction to the FIA Foundation’s advocacy agenda on how increased and improved financing is needed for scaled-up impact on road traffic injury around the world.