
Unfinished Journey

21 May 2018
FIA FoundationRights of the Child

Unfinished Journey: The Global Health Response to Children & Road Traffic highlights the gap between evidence on the scale of road traffic’s impact on child and adolescent health and the action.

Cleaner Air 4 Schools

30 March 2018
Air QualityFIA Foundation

This report summarises innovative new work between schools, led by the London Sustainability Exchange (LSx), in partnership with UN Environment and Clean Air Asia.

Every Child's Right to Breathe

9 October 2017
Rights of the ChildFIA Foundation

This report takes London as a case study, focusing on the issue of air pollution from vehicles and exploring the actions and policies in place to enable safe, clean and healthy journeys to school.

Declaration of Every Child’s Right to Safe & Healthy Streets

4 October 2017
Rights of the Child

The Declaration of Every Child’s Right to Safe & Healthy Streets, launched at the Every Journey, Every Child conference at London City Hall, sets out important mobility rights for child health.

London's Polluted Schools: The Social Context

19 September 2017
FIA FoundationAir Quality

The analysis undertaken in this report focuses on the subset of London’s schools most affected by poor air quality. It presents data for these schools on the issues of deprivation, obesity and physical activity.

Speed Kills Children: Use the Vaccine.

7 May 2017
FIA Foundation

Published to coincide with 2017 UN Global Road Safety Week, this booklet highlights the benefits of speed management as a proven vaccine for reducing death and injury to children, and all road users. It urges accelerated effort to implement the ‘speed vaccine’ in order to meet the Sustainable Development Goal health target for road traffic injury reduction.

Share the Road - Global outlook on walking and cycling

21 October 2016
UNEPShare the RoadFIA Foundation

A new report by Share the Road, led by UN Environment Programme, and funded by the FIA Foundation, highlights the importance of investment in walking and cycling infrastructure in cities worldwide. Currently a lack of investment in safe walking and cycling infrastructure is contributing to the deaths of millions of people and failing to contribute to the fight against deadly air pollution and climate change.

Step Change

12 September 2016
AmendFIA Foundation

Step Change: An Action Agenda on Safe Walking for Africa’s Children is a joint report by the FIA Foundation and the injury prevention NGO Amend for the Global Initiative for Child Health & Mobility. The report highlights the disproportionate exposure to risk of child pedestrians in sub-Saharan Africa and calls for a concerted effort to provide footpaths and reduce vehicle traffic speeds. Showcasing examples of low-cost interventions proven to reduce child injury, the report proposes a practical action plan contributing to the Global Goals and the Habitat III ‘New Urban Agenda’.

Rights of Way

26 July 2016
UNICEFFIA FoundationRights of the Child

This advocacy research, a joint report by the FIA Foundation and UNICEF, examines the impact of road traffic injury on families living in poverty in low- and middle-income countries. As a priority in implementing the sustainable development agenda, it calls for a global policy response protecting vulnerable road users and providing a safe and healthy journey to and from school for every child.

Every Journey. Every Child.

6 June 2016
Rights of the Child

The Child Health Initiative is a new partnership working to ensure every child can enjoy a safe and healthy journey. Read our introductory leaflet.