These are our streets: Manifesto 2030

Child Health Initiative

16 February 2020

This is My Street

The 2030 Manifesto from the FIA Foundation-coordinated Child Health Initiative is launched to coincide with the 3rd Global Ministerial Conference on Road Safety. The Manifesto calls for a transformation of urban streets by 2030 into safe, low speed and accessible space that puts people first, encouraging zero carbon walking and cycling, by deploying the ‘Speed Vaccine’: safe footpaths and crossings; protected cycleways; and maximum 30 km/h speed limits anywhere children and traffic mix. The Manifesto also calls for a first ever Global Summit for Adolescents to galvanise political action and funding for a range of issues affecting Generation Z, including the leading killer of young people: road traffic.

Two background papers which provided original research for the Manifesto - on the burden of injuries, and the climate benefits of healthy streets - are also included below.