
Cities Safer by Design

2 June 2016

From the World Resources Institute’s Ross Center for Sustainable Cities, Cities Safer by Design is a global reference guide to help cities save lives from traffic fatalities through improved street design and smart urban development. Over 1.2 million people die in traffic crashes globally each year, mostly pedestrians, and that number is growing every year. This hands-on guide taps examples from cities worldwide and includes 34 different design elements to improve safety and quality of life. The report was made possible by funding from Bloomberg Philanthropies.

Reducing Pollution Emissions

FIA FoundationAir Quality

FIA Foundation is interested in supporting work on key areas with the most potential to significantly reduce emissions in the transport sector, and commissioned Clean Air Asia to identify the most relevant issues.

Safe to Learn

4 May 2015
UNICEFFIA FoundationRights of the Child

Safe Journeys to School Are a Child’s Right is a joint report from the FIA Foundation and UNICEF. The report highlights the road traffic injury epidemic which kills 500 children every day, the impact on health and education, and proposes a focus on the school journey as a community hub for action to improve road safety and build walkable communities across the world.

Ten Strategies for Keeping Children Safe on the Road

15 April 2015

Ten Strategies for Keeping Children Safe on the Road is a report from the World Health Organization highlighting ten key recommendations for policies to reduce child road traffic injury. FIA Foundation funding enabled production of the report.

Share the Road Design Guidelines

1 January 2009
Share the RoadUNEPFIA Foundation

Design Guidelines for Non Motorised Transport in Africa

Share the Road Report

1 January 2009
Share the RoadUNEPFIA Foundation

Investment in Walking and Cycling Road Infrastructure

Star Rating for Sivile Primary School

1 January 2009
iRAPStar Rating for Schools (SR4S)

Baseline Study Briefing Paper, May 2014